This article is intended for Administrators and Tutors with Enhanced Access.
Logging Prepaid Sessions
Once you have created prepaid sessions for an engagement, using them is as simple as logging sessions against that engagement. When logging prepaid sessions, one session is equal to one hour, but sessions can be divided into 15-minute increments if necessary.
When logging sessions, there are three scenarios to keep in mind:
1. Logging a session when the client's balance of prepaid sessions is greater than or equal to the default session length.
If the session is in the past, the session will be given the status PAID, and be deducted from the client's session balance.
If the session is scheduled in the future, it will be marked with a status of UPCOMING, and the total hours will be deducted from the balance after the session takes place.
2. Logging a session (in the past or future) when the client's balance of prepaid sessions is less than or equal to the length of the logged session.
If the prepaid balance isn't enough to cover the session, Clark will let you know that the balance doesn't cover the full session length. You can modify the length of your session to use up the prepaid balance and then log a second session as unbilled to invoice later. Or you can log the entire session as UNBILLED.
3. Logging a session when a client has no prepaid sessions.
If the session is in the past, the session is logged with a status of UNBILLED.
If the session is in the future, the session is created with a status of UPCOMING.
Please note that each individual purchase of prepaid hours will display separately when scheduling sessions (see image below).