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Log sessions, view session reports, and more.

Written by Ryan Neill
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for Administrators and Tutors with Enhanced Access.

Sessions is where to go if you need to log, schedule, or review a session.

In the list view, you'll see the Date the session took place (or the date it will take place), the student and client who had the session, whether or not a report was created for the session, and if the past session has been invoiced and paid.

When you View a session, you'll see an in-depth snapshot of the session, including information like:

  • Subject.

  • Session Rating and Session Reports.

  • The tutor's earnings and the client's rate.

Logging a Session
Administrators and tutors have the ability to log sessions. In order to send an invoice to a client you'll need to have at least one session to bill for. You can adjust the number of sessions included in an invoice.

  1. Click 'Log Session' in the upper right hand corner of the screen

2. Once you select a Tutor in the dropdown menu at the top, a new dropdown menu with that tutor's engagements will appear directly below it. Choose the appropriate client and subject matter.

3. Click the calendar icon to pick the Date of the session

4. Enter the start time and select 'AM' or 'PM'

5. Enter the location (this is optional) and, if the session was cancelled, click the button, and then 'Log Session'

Double check that Tutor earnings and Client amount are correct on the session view. (If they are not and you would like to adjust each rate you may do so by editing the engagement from the respective tutor or client's page). If you intended to cancel the session, but forgot, you can click the 'Late Cancellation' button in the top right corner, under 'Edit Session'.

If you would like, you can add a session rating, a session report (to be sent to your client's parent/guardian), and an internal note. You can save and send the session report by pressing "Save and Send report."

If the session has been completed and the client is enrolled in autopay, you can immediately charge the payment method on file for the session. Alternately, if the client is not enrolled in autopay, you can send an invoice for the session. This is not required, so you can safely ignore this option and include the session in a regular invoice.

You can check out how to edit or delete a session here.

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